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Heinz Stanescu, «Unbekannte Briefe des jungen Sigmund Freud an einen rumänische Freund», Zeitschrift des Schriftstellerverbandes des RVR 16 (1965): 12-29; and «Young Freud's Letters to His Rumanian Friend, Silberstein», Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines 9 (1971): 195-207. (N. from the A.)



Walter Boehlich, ed., Sigmund Freud: Jugendbriefe an Eduard Silberstein 1871-1881 (Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1989). Sigmund Freud, Lettres de jeunesse, trans. Cornélius Heim (Paris: Gallimard, 1990). Walter Boehlich, ed., The Letters of Sigmund Freud to Eduard Silberstein 1871-1881, trans. Arnold J. Pomerans (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1990). Sigmund Freud, «Querido amigo...». Lettere della giovinezza a Eduard Silberstein 1871-1881, ed. Marco Conci, trans. Giuseppina Quatrocchi (Torino: Bollati Boringheri, 1991). Sigmund Freud, Cartas de juventud, ed. and trans. Angela Ackermann Pilári (Barcelona: Gedisa, 1992).

I am most grateful to Francisco García Sarriá for drawing them to my attention.

In this article references to the letters are by the number, date, and page number in the Spanish edition, except for quotations from the letters in German, where I quote from the edition in English and give the page references in square brackets. (N. from the A.)



Letters of Sigmund Freud, ed. Ernest L. Freud, trans. Tania and James Stern (New York: Basic Books, 1961), pp. 96-7. (N. from the A.)



As cited by John E. Gedo and Ernest S. Wolf, «Freud's Novelas ejemplares», Psychological Issues 34-35 (1976) (Monograph ix: Freud: The Fusion of Science and Humanism), p. 89, note 1. Freud's Spanish here is quietly corrected in the published letter to the translator prefacing vol. 4 of the Obras completas del Profesor Sigmund Freud (Madrid, 1937), p. 7. (N. from the A.)



By Gedo and Wolf -see note 4 above. Also: S. B. Vranich, «Sigmund Freud and 'The Case History of Berganza': Freud's Psychoanalytic Beginnings», Psychoanalytic Review 63 (1976): 73-82; and Leon Grimberg and Juan Francisco Rodríguez, «La influencia de Cervantes sobre el futuro creador del Psicoanálisis», Anales Cervantinos 25-26 (1987-88): 157-74. (N. from the A.)



E. C. Riley, «Cervantes, Freud and Psychoanalytic Narrative Theory», Modern Language Review 88 (1993): 1-14. (N. from the A.)



See note 2 above. Also on the correspondence, Ronald W. Clark, Freud the Man and the Cause (London: Cape and Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1980), pp. 21-31. (N. from the A.)



On the Academia Española see W. Boehlich, The Letters, pp. xv-xviiii, or in the Spanish translation, Cartas, pp. 272-5. (N. from the A.)



Cartas, p. 128, note 6. (N. from the A.)



The Letters, p. xvi. (N. from the A.)