Selecciona una palabra y presiona la tecla d para obtener su definición.


RICARDO DOMÉNECH, «El concierto de San Ovidio o una defensa del hombre», Primer Acto, N.º 38 (Dec., 1962), p. 17.



PEDRO LAÍN ENTRALGO, Rev. of El Concierto de San Ovidio from La Gaceta Ilustrada of Madrid, reprinted in Teatro español 1962-1963, ed. Sainz de Robles (Madrid, 1964), p. 74.



DOMÉNECH, p. 17.



Like Silvano in Aventura... and Esquilache in Un soñador... Velázquez in Las Meninas is a rebel. He rebels against the injustice and oppression of his time, and strives to «declarar la verdad», to paint the moral blindness of society, especially the pretense and hypocrisy. He is not included in the present paper, however, since Buero does not present him primarily as a dreamer.



BUERO, Aventura en lo gris (Madrid: Ediciones Alfil, 1964), p. 44. An earlier version of the play, which differs only slightly from the later one, was published in Teatro: Revista internacional de la escena (Madrid: Ediciones Alfil), N.º 10 (Jan., Feb., March, 1954), pp. 59-76. For Buero's comments see «A propósito de Aventura en lo gris», Teatro: Revista internacional..., N.º 9 (Sept.-Dec., 1953), p. 39. See also the excellent introduction to the school edition of this play, ed. MAGAÑA DE SCHEVILL, in Dos dramas de Antonio Buero Vallejo (New York: Appleton Century Crofts, 1967).



Silverio's dreams of peace are echoed in two moving sonnets by Buero published in Cuadernos de Agora, N.º 57-58 (July-Aug., 1961). p. 7. In the first sonnet the poet envisions a day when «Nuestros errores / lanzarán un gran grito exasperado / mientras mueren al hierro entre dolores» and when «de paz y de victoria coronado / se ha de ver, redimido de furores / al hombre, con el hombre conciliado». In the second sonnet the poet, in the ambiguous fashion which we see so often in his theater, asks if such a day will ever come.



BUERO, Un soñador para un pueblo (Madrid: Ediciones Alfil, 1959), p. 97. For Buero's comments on this work, see «Buero Vallejo nos habla», Negro sobre Blanco, N.º 12 (Ediciones Losada, S. A.: Buenos Aires, April, 1960), pp. 1, 14.



BOREL, p. 228.



RAFAEL VÁZQUEZ-ZAMORA, Rev. of Un soñador..., from Ínsula, reprinted in Teatro español 1958-59, ed. Sainz de Robles (Madrid, 1960), p. 199.



Some critics have charged that the play is an attack against the pueblo for its blindness. See, for example JOSÉ MARÍA DE QUINTO, «Crónica de teatro» Ínsula, N.º 220 (March, 1965), p. 19. De Quinto compares Adolfo Prego's Epitafio para un soñador with Un soñador... asking the question, «¿A qué extremo de pesimismo ha llegado el escritor español con respecto a su pueblo?» Far from attacking the pueblo, however, the play exalts Buero's hopes that it will someday reach the «light».